Been There – Bogota
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Starbucks Been There Bogota mug is designed using green and rose colors. Here are the most noticeable elements from the mug:
– Capitolio Nacional (or National Capitol) is a building on Bolivar Square in central Bogotá which houses both houses of the Congress of Colombia. The construction began in 1876 and finished in 1926.
– Statue of Simon Bolivar in the Parque de los Periodistas.
– Lake Guatavita is a circular lake located in the Cordillera Oriental of the Colombian Andes 57 km (35 mi) northeast of Bogotá.
– Colombian Ajiaco is the typical dish from the Bogota region. It is, in fact, a chicken and potato soup made with corn on the cob, cilantro, and guascas–a herb from the daisy family.
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