Been There City Error Mugs

This is the post for all US Been There Cities with errors. For States with misprints, see this recent post.
Based on initial rumors, the following city mugs were expected, but had not been released along with other BTs: Boston, San Diego, Charlotte, Atlanta, Detroit and Los Angeles. Only two of them have been finally confirmed to be misprints, please see below. Please note, that even though San Diego is also out, there is no confirmation whether it is v1 or v2.Read more

Been There State Error Mugs

Since there was a lot of confusion around misprints found on Been There mugs, I believe it makes sense to consolidate all the information about them in one post.
Let me start with a little bit of history. We’ve seen misprints in the past. A very good example can be Montréal and Quebéc mugs, where the version with accent quickly replaced the one without accent. Those two mugs are pretty expensive now, but many collectors don’t consider this to be a different version and don’t even bother getting it.… Read more