Been There – Trinidad & Tobago

Starbucks Been There – Trinidad & Tobago is a mug for the southernmost island country in the Caribbean. It consists of two main islands, Trinidad and Tobago, of course, and many smaller ones. During the centuries of colonization, it has been under the rule and influence of numerous European countries: Spain and Britain and to a smaller extent France and the Netherlands. The Republic of Trinidad and Tobago became independent in 1962.
Interesting fact: unlike other Caribbean countries, which rely heavily on tourism, the economy of Trinidad & Tobago is primarily industrial with an emphasis on petroleum and petrochemicals thanks to its large reserves of oil and natural gas.… Read more

Been There – Rio de Janeiro

Cidade Maravilhosa (Marvellous City) is joining BT mugs series with Starbucks Been There – Rio de Janeiro.
Did you know that the name of the city literally translates as the River of January? And the reason for this is pretty prosaic: Portuguese expedition under explorer Gaspar de Lemos first encountered Guanabara Bay on 1 January 1502 and named it Ria de Janeiro (“January’s Lagoon”). Ria became Rio (river) later and the actual city was only founded on 1 March 1565 under the name São Sebastião do Rio de Janeiro.… Read more

Been There – São Paulo

Here’s another Brazilian mug for your collection: Starbucks Been There – São Paulo. It is the largest Portuguese-speaking city in the world with about 22 million people living in the metro area. According to historical documents, the city was founded on January 25, 1554, after Paul the Apostle.
These are some architectural elements to consider when visiting the city:
– I believe it is Paulista Avenue on the left to the handle which is a symbol and the center of the economic and political power of São Paulo where the headquarters of many financial and cultural institutions are located.… Read more

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Been There – Brasil

There are three Brazilian mugs from BT series so far. Starbucks Been There – Brasil is the first one. As you can see, the Portuguese spelling was used. Using local spelling for mugs has been a common practice for Starbucks.
Here are some points of interest and symbols from the mug:
– The Amazon River is the largest river by discharge volume of water in the world. Did you know that the river starts in Peru? Peruvian part is also known as Marañón.… Read more

Been There – North Carolina 2

Remember when I’ve asked you to stay tuned to see whether North Carolina will get v2? Well, it took Starbucks almost a year to introduce the fix into the regular mug. Again, the Christmas version came fixed already. Anyway, here’s Starbucks Been There – North Carolina v2, where “WHITE WATER FALLS” has been changed to “WHITEWATER FALLS”. For your convenience, I am posting a collage of all three mugs together. What are your thoughts, guys? Is the change worth to have both mugs in your collection?… Read more

Been There – Lima

Starbucks Been There – Lima is the only BT mug for Peru so far. Not sure why they decided to do the city prior to releasing the country, but that is how it is.
Lima is the capital and the largest city of Peru, it was founded in 1535 by Spanish conquistador Francisco Pizarro under the name City of Kings (Spanish: Ciudad de los Reyes). This name lost the battle with time, though and the local name of the oracle – Limaq (“talker”, “speaker”) took over.… Read more

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Been There – Colombia

I am wrapping up Colombian BT mugs with Starbucks Been There – Colombia. It has a distinctive design with green and yellow colors.
– The huge hat on the front of the mug is Sombrero Vueltiao, which literally translates as “turned hat”. It is a traditional Colombian headwear made from caña flecha, a type of cane that grows in the country. The production of the hat is a pretty long process and might take days or weeks. The strips of cane have to be dried and prepared in a way that they look uniform and can be easily bent.… Read more

Been There – Cali

Since I only have one picture of Starbucks Been There – Cali mug, this is considered a preview with the expectation to give it a second look when pictures of all of the sides will be available to me.

Santiago de Cali (which is the full name of the city) – is the capital of the Valle del Cauca department. With access to the Pacific Ocean, it is the main urban and economic center in the south part of the country.… Read more

Been There – San José

Starbucks Been There – San José is the mug for the capital and largest city of Costa Rica. The architecture was chosen as the main motive of the design. Here’s what I was able to identify:
– There is a statue of León Cortés Castro on the side of the mug. He served as President of Costa Rica from 1936 to 1940. He is remembered for introducing important bank and agrarian reforms. His construction projects include the former International Airport of La Sabana.… Read more

Been There – Costa Rica

Starbucks Been There – Costa Rica mug is fully dedicated to wildlife and nature of this country.
– Guarianthe Skinneri or also know as Guaria Moradais in Costa Rica is a species of orchid. As per the Lankester Botanical Garden, there are 1,400 species of orchid in Costa Rica, 20 percent of which are only found there. This is maybe why it is the national flower of the country.
– There is Sloth Sanctuary in Costa Rica, which is probably one of the best places to view and study these incredible animals.… Read more

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