Been There – Mississippi
This is one of the few rare cases when version 1 of the mug is added after version 2. That’s because no one was sure exactly, whether Starbucks Been There – Mississippi v1 existed, till now. There were some rumors, of course, plus the fact that Mississippi was one of the last state mugs to be released. It now became obvious that the delay was caused by errors found on the mug which had to be recalled and replaced with the “fixed” version. There is no information on how many mugs made it to the stores, if any. All we know, some of them were saved from the destruction, which makes them desirable items for some collectors. Are you one of those collectors? If so, here are some unique elements of the Mississippi v1:
– Jambalaya, Louisiana-origin dish, can be seen in the top right corner on the front of the mug. It will be removed in v2
– “Old Man River” will be replaced by “Mississippi River”. My guess, they did that because of the controversy of the eponymous song.
– “The Bayou State” nickname, which in fact belongs to Louisiana, will be replaced with “The Hospitality State”
I would like to thank a Facebook user for providing the pictures of this mug (see credits below).
Here’s the post with all error mugs, where you can also see Mississippi v1 and v2 side by side, for you convenience.
I’ve had my TN Starbucks mug for a couple of years now and never noticed the error on it. They printed it “Big Bend State” which is incorrect. TN is the Volunteer State.