Discovery Series – The Bronx

Discovery Series The Bronx is a mug for the only New York City borough that is part of the United States mainland.

The Bronx was named after Jonas Bronck, a Swedish sea captain who settled in the area in 1639. Throughout the 17th and 18th centuries, the region remained largely rural, dotted with farms and estates owned by prominent New York families. The borough underwent a massive transformation in the late 19th century with the arrival of elevated trains and subway lines, spurring rapid urbanization and population growth.… Read more

Discovery Series – Brooklyn

Starbucks is going granular with the release of the Discovery Series Brooklyn mug. We’ve seen mugs for parks and universities, but never for a borough of a city. Does it mean other cities will follow this pattern? It’s hard to say, but I definitely see many more locations for this new collection. The Discovery Series might end up being the largest ever. Stay tuned, I will add them all here… eventually…

As for the New York City boroughs, these are Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, The Bronx, and Staten Island.… Read more