You Are Here Christmas – Manila 2

Here is the second Asian Christmas YAH spotted online – Starbucks You Are Here Christmas Manila v2. It reveals more details about 2018 Edition as a whole. Specifically, the box will be green this time, as opposed to red one we always had. Also, it’s hard to judge based on this blurry image, but I think the “waves” in the bottom part of the front are painted red and green. Last year these were solid gold. Better quality pics are supposed to come soon and we will be able to tell for sure whether this is true.Read more

You Are Here Christmas – Philippines 2

One might think that all Christmas mugs will get red handle this year, as we saw it with European Country mugs, however it is not true for Asian mugs. Here’s Starbucks You Are Here Christmas – Philippines v2 mug. That green color from the inside of the mug, makes it different from the last year’s version (where it was red). I believe this change is really subtle and Starbucks could definitely do better this time. Anyway, it’s here, and it’s up to you now to decide whether to collect these or not!… Read more

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