You Are Here – Heidelberg
Yet another YAH from Germany! Is it going to be as big as China? Nonetheless, please meet Starbucks You Are Here Heidelberg mug. This town on the Neckar River is known for the Heidelberg University, founded back in 1386, making it Germany’s oldest university. Only 150k people leave in Heidelberg and half of them are students. Add here numerous tourists looking for historical points of attraction and pleasant views. And that’s what they coming for:
– Studentenkarzer – university jail – yes, you heard it right. Students were detained here for certain offences even minor ones. They were allowed to attend classes though, as long as they came back to jail after.
– The Karl Theodor Bridge a.k.a. Alte Brucke (Old Bridge), a beautiful 18th-century bridge built from stone (seen on the front of the mug)
– Heidelberg Castle or better say the ruins of the castle, since it was never fully rebuilt after being destroyed by lightnings, wars and fires.
– Church of the Holy Spirit – rising above the roofs it stands in the middle of the market place in the old center of Heidelberg. Current building is the third iteration of the church. The construction lasted for about 150 years! After fire of 1709 it was rebuilt receiving a baroque spire.
Again, hopefully this is not the last German mug from You Are Here Series.
There are/were over 30 German Icon mugs so potentially, some way to go…