Been There Star Wars Ornament – Bespin

Star Wars Bespin Ornament has a pink string and shares the box with Dagobah and Hoth.

Bespin, a celestial gem nestled in the Star Wars universe, is a captivating gas giant that enchants all who behold it. Known for its ethereal beauty and unique ecosystem, Bespin stands as a testament to nature’s awe-inspiring diversity.

It is Bespin where the confrontation unfolded between Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker within the carbon-freezing chamber. It was here that the Sith Lord delivered the shocking revelation, forever etching the line “No, I am your father” into the annals of cinematic history.… Read more

Star Wars Been There – Bespin

Star Wars Been There – Bespin mug has also been released today and is available for the purchase in the Disney Shop online.
In the Star Wars Universe, Bespin is a gas giant with a thin layer of breathable atmosphere a.k.a. the “Life Zone”. The planet is the source of Tiabana gas which is used in hyperdrives and starship weaponry. As the support for the mining industry, several mining complexes float above the planet within “Life Zone”. Cloud City is one of them, you can see it on the front and the back of the mug.… Read more