Been There – Houston

I would like to continue with the third Texas city in the batch of recent releases – Starbucks Been There Houston. Really like this particular one, probably because of the color palette and the way the name is drawn.… Read more

Been There – Dallas

This week was pretty eventful in terms of BT releases. Namely, Wednesday, April 18 is the day when licensed stores started selling US BT cities. Yes, there was Austin earlier, but this time it was official green light from Starbucks, I guess. How do you guys like this Starbucks Been There Dallas mug? To be honest with you, I am getting more and more into this new collection. On the other side, locals complain that it doesn’t really feels like Dallas to them.… Read more

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Been There – Vancouver

This is 11th and the last preview available for BT Canada so far. West Coast at it’s finest, Starbucks Been There Vancouver mug it is. Please see two sides of this green mug combined in one picture for now. There will be more pictures soon, as these mugs are coming faster than expected.
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Been There – Edmonton

I continue adding previews of Canadian cities from BT collection. This one is Starbucks Been There Edmonton mug. As usual, I am adding two sides in a collage and promise to come back to review the mug.
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Been There – Austin

I’ve posted some Canadian City mugs from the BT series recently, but those were just previews. As you probably remember, those pictures were revealed by Starbucks via Pinterest. The actual release was planned for June, and I didn’t really expect this to happen that early, namely the appearance of the Starbucks Been There Austin mug in store! Yes, it’s happening! Even though not all States have been officially released yet, Starbucks started to roll out cities! The list is pretty big and there is a good chance your city is also coming out.… Read more

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Been There – Louisiana

You guys remember my post about error mug, right? Well, Nebraska’s design wasn’t the only one Starbucks made the mistake in. As you can guess, other mugs which hasn’t been spotted in stores yet, are the ones with “issues”. There was an assumption that other “error” mugs didn’t make it to stores or were destroyed before the release, however a photo of Starbucks Been There Louisiana mug has just been revealed in the Facebook community.
Look closer at the back of the mug, it says “Laissez bons temps rouler” (Cajun French) that is literally translated from the English expression “Let the good times roll.” Well, the right phrase should be “Laissez les bons temps rouler”, which means Starbucks missed “les” word and is now going to replace the mug with the “fixed” one.… Read more

Been There – Banff

Like I’ve mentioned before, Alberta will be the biggest in terms of BTs, and we know why. Pretty much the main reason is Banff National Park and therefore Starbucks Been There Banff mug. It is using blue color scheme which makes sense, since this park is all about mountains with snow caps, lakes and skies.
See more details in the picture below. I will get back to it when this mug is officially released and we have photos of all sides.… Read more

Been There – Alberta

It was expected that this Province will get more BTs than others. One of the newly revealed previews shows Starbucks Been There Alberta mug itself. It has “Wild Rose Country” slogan on the front which has been on Alberta’s plates since 1973. Did you know there was a proposal to remove this slogan from the plates in 2014? Apparently nobody liked the idea and it was decided to keep it. More details about the mug will come soon! Meanwhile, take a look at these two sides of the mug in the following collage:
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Been There – Saskatchewan

Starbucks Been There Saskatchewan mug could be a rare find. I don’t see that many Starbucks stores there and it is pretty remote Province. If you have friends or relatives there who’s willing to help, it is time to make sure their contact information is up-to-date. You still have to wait till the official release, since this is only the preview and not real pictures from stores.
Meanwhile, please take a look at two sides of the mug:
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