You Are Here Ornament – Denver

People with “completed” collections of US Ornament YAHs – there are good news for you. Starbucks is adding two (so far) other minis to their collection. Yes, please make some room for You Are Here Ornament – Denver. This one is obviously a complete copy of it’s bigger brother I am pretty sure these will be available for sale online very soon or for trade through FB groups. Good luck!… Read more

You Are Here Ornament – Thailand

Along with the full size version, Starbucks released Thailand You Are Here Ornament. It is a complete copy of the first, just smaller. Very interesting detail here – the lace is very different from what I’ve seen before on the previous ornaments. Usually, it was a braided round lace and now it’s a flat one! So we can say this ornament is somewhat unique in the series. I believe this is not the only one mug coming from Thailand. Judging by Icons and Relief Series, there should be more.… Read more

You Are Here Ornament – Toronto

I was monitoring Facebook groups recently and it has been just reported that Toronto YAH Ornament had been finally spotted in stores. I don’t know which exact store got them first, but it appears that these Ornaments are already sold out. Well, I believe there will be many more. I also want to believe Starbucks will release other Canadian YAH Ornaments to match all existing full size YAHs. I checked couple stores in Montreal today, but no luck. I still created a separate category for these and gonna keep looking.… Read more

You Are Here Ornament – Vancouver

It has been finally reported that Vancouver YAH Ornament hit Starbucks stores. This is the third Ornament in the Canadian series after Canada and Calgary The lace is obviously light blue as it is the same as the inside of the mug.
Interesting note – this mini is only $1 cheaper than regular YAH.
The next mug expected to be found in stores is Toronto. I personally can’t wait for this to happen as I will probably be able to get my hands on it pretty easy.… Read more

You Are Here Ornament – Calgary

In my previous post I’ve mentioned that Canada YAH Ornament was spotted in Calgary. Well it was not the only one surprise for the night. You got it right – Calgary YAH Ornament is here. So far it is the second confirmed Ornament from Canada. Rumors say there should also be Vancouver and Toronto. According to posts in FB groups, people are already browsing stores in hopes to be the first to grab those. I wish they issue these minis for all Canadian YAHs (mind V1s).… Read more

You Are Here Ornament – Canada

It happened – something we’ve been waiting desperately – Canadian YAH Ornaments. After a bunch of releases for Europe and Asia it was somewhat expected that Canadian YAH Ornaments are on their way, but you can never be sure with Starbucks mugs releases.
Alright, so the first in the category is Canada Ornament. No surprise it looks exactly like his bigger brother – Canada 2 YAH. This mug was already spotted in Vancouver and Calgary. Not sure about you, but I am heading to the nearest Starbucks store tomorrow to grab mine.… Read more

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