You Are Here Ornament – Calgary

In my previous post I’ve mentioned that Canada YAH Ornament was spotted in Calgary. Well it was not the only one surprise for the night. You got it right – Calgary YAH Ornament is here. So far it is the second confirmed Ornament from Canada. Rumors say there should also be Vancouver and Toronto. According to posts in FB groups, people are already browsing stores in hopes to be the first to grab those. I wish they issue these minis for all Canadian YAHs (mind V1s).… Read more

You Are Here Ornament – Canada

It happened – something we’ve been waiting desperately – Canadian YAH Ornaments. After a bunch of releases for Europe and Asia it was somewhat expected that Canadian YAH Ornaments are on their way, but you can never be sure with Starbucks mugs releases.
Alright, so the first in the category is Canada Ornament. No surprise it looks exactly like his bigger brother – Canada 2 YAH. This mug was already spotted in Vancouver and Calgary. Not sure about you, but I am heading to the nearest Starbucks store tomorrow to grab mine.… Read more

You Are Here Ornament Disney – Hollywood Studios 2

With this mug, Starbucks really made an unexpected move. It came as a surprise to everyone that there will be another You Are Here Disney Ornament. They released another version of existing Disney Hollywood Studios Ornament. The new version lacks The Earffel Tower (as it was removed from the park this year) instead a dragon was added, see the pic. I think it is now the best time to buy the first version, before it becomes “rare”.

Update: believe it or not, the mug can be already bought online, see here.… Read more

You Are Here Ornament – Berlin

Starbacks You Are Here Ornament family continues to grow. Welcome new mug from Europe – YAH Ornament Berlin. This mini mug is a complete copy of regular version of the mug. The full description of images from the mug can be found at the Christmas version of the mug page. We see:
Reichstag building
Fernsehturm Berlin
Brandenburg Gate
Berlin Wall

Leave a comment if you spotted it anywhere in Germany, though it can be a hard to find one.… Read more

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