Been There – Calgary

Another mug from BT Canadian Collection – Starbucks Been There Calgary has been spotted in stores. As per reports, the stocks are limited, but remember, the official release date is still June 26. Some stores are waiting for that day to put mugs on shelves. … Read more

Been There – Whistler

This is not a province nor capital of the province, yet Starbucks Been There Whistler mug has been released as the part of the new collection too (similar to YAH and Icon). The reason is pretty simple, Whistler is the home to Whistler Blackcomb, one of the largest ski resorts in North America. … Read more

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Been There – Montreal

Starbucks Been There Montreal mug is finally in town! I have to admit I was wrong about the design of this particular mug. It looks so much better in reality. It looks amazing. I really like it.
The full review will come soon, but for now, I can tell you, I don’t see Notre-Dame Basilica, which I find weird. Nonetheless there are so many other things to discover on this mug. Stay tuned.
As a bonus, the photo of Montreal and Quebec together:
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Been There – Mississippi 2

The release of this mug was definitely delayed, but today, the 50th state has revealed its design. Please note, Starbucks Been There Mississippi is probably an error (misprint) mug since it came out much later than other states. Unfortunately, I don’t have any proof of that, but I secretly hope someone got it (either from manufacturer or store staff) and will show to the world sooner or later. From first glance, it seems the mug is dedicated to wildlife. Let’s wait for other sides to have the full picture.… Read more

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Been There – San Diego

A previously delayed, Starbucks Been There San Diego mug has been spotted in stores. At this point, I can only guess what was the reason for the delay. This can easily be the v2 and we are yet to discover if there was the v1 and what was the misprint.
Update from 2018-06-30: we’re lucky to witness the back of Been There San Diego v1 It was confirmed that delay was caused by misprint. See two mugs side by side:
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Been There – Los Angeles 2

Here’s another “delayed” city mug for you guys: Starbucks Been There Los Angeles 2. And yes, it is different from previously posted LA version 1 Here is the picture of two mugs side by side:

The actual misprint is “City of The Angels” instead of “City of Angels”. Way too many errors in this series… Do you agree? It almost makes me think this was done on purpose. … Read more

Been There – Boston 2

Thanks to my amazing reader, I have this exclusive news to share with you. Here’s Starbucks Been There Boston v2 mug. Wait, what? You heard it right – this is version 2 of the previously posted Boston mug. Here’s the comparison picture for you:

I know, these photos are really blurry, but we can still see, that v1 has “Boston Commons” on the back of the mug instead of “Boston Common” found on v2. Ironically this is a very common mistake made by tourists and non-locals.… Read more

Been There – North Dakota 2

I’ve got some exclusive photos from one of the collectors and I hasten to share them with you. Here’s Starbucks Been There North Dakota v2 mug brand new and improved. Specifically, Starbucks fixed the error it made for “Geographical Center of North America” monument installed in Rugby, ND (see side-by-side photos). I also find it very amusing, that the picture of the monument was made smaller in order for it to be moved up North on the map of the US.… Read more

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