You Are Here Christmas – Manila 2

Here is the second Asian Christmas YAH spotted online – Starbucks You Are Here Christmas Manila v2. It reveals more details about 2018 Edition as a whole. Specifically, the box will be green this time, as opposed to red one we always had. Also, it’s hard to judge based on this blurry image, but I think the “waves” in the bottom part of the front are painted red and green. Last year these were solid gold. Better quality pics are supposed to come soon and we will be able to tell for sure whether this is true.Read more

You Are Here Christmas – Philippines 2

One might think that all Christmas mugs will get red handle this year, as we saw it with European Country mugs, however it is not true for Asian mugs. Here’s Starbucks You Are Here Christmas – Philippines v2 mug. That green color from the inside of the mug, makes it different from the last year’s version (where it was red). I believe this change is really subtle and Starbucks could definitely do better this time. Anyway, it’s here, and it’s up to you now to decide whether to collect these or not!… Read more

Been There – South Dakota 2

I sincerely though we’re done with US Error mugs. Boy, was I wrong! Here comes Starbucks Been There South Dakota v2! The element which has been adjusted is word “pronghorn” instead of “prong horn deer”. And it is actually a valid fix, since pronghorn, the animal from the mug, is not a deer, and it’s closest living relatives are the giraffes and okapi.
Here’s side by side comparison of two mugs together:

Been There – Charlotte 2

This is the sixth BT city mug with error so far. With the release of Been There Charlotte v2, Starbucks has fixed the names of the streets on the sign on the front of the mug. Instead of “Tyron st.” and “Trader st.”, which is wrong, it now says “Tryon st.” and “Trade st.” So again, we see two errors on the same mug. Nice job, Starbucks.
As for the intersection itself, it splits Charlotte Center City (a.k.a Uptown) into four neighborhoods.… Read more

Been There – Detroit 2

This was one of the first mugs from BT collection added to the site, yet it was still a preview. The actual release only happened today, and as you can guess, the delay was also caused by a misprint. Starbucks Been There Detroit v2 is missing “Startup city USA” “nickname” above Ambassador Bridge (which was replaced by two clouds). I, sincerely, tried to research where is that “nickname” coming from and can only assume it was supposed to represent the new era of entrepreneurship of Detroit.… Read more

Been There – Atlanta 2

Starbucks Been There Atlanta v2 has been released a couple weeks ago, yet I had no pictures of v1 to compare with. Now I do. As you can see from the collage below, the actual misprint was “Chattahoochie river” instead of “Сhattahoochee river”. It still amazes me how bad quality control at Starbucks was, while designing this series.
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Been There – San Diego 2

We have finally got the confirmation of what was the fix for Starbucks Been There San Diego v2 mug. It was actually saying “Americas finest city in motion” which doesn’t make any sense and it was replaced with “America’s finest city”
See two mugs side by side:
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Been There – Delaware 2

We’ve been all waiting for the official release of this mug for quite a while. As you remember it was delayed due to an error made on the mug. As you can see, the “fixed” Starbucks Been There Delaware v2 mug is missing “Lower Slower” nickname on the front. So instead of making it “Slower Lower” they replaced it with crab. My guess, this phrase is copyrighted, and Starbucks decided to completely remove it, in order to avoid any lawsuits in the future.… Read more

Been There – Mississippi 2

The release of this mug was definitely delayed, but today, the 50th state has revealed its design. Please note, Starbucks Been There Mississippi is probably an error (misprint) mug since it came out much later than other states. Unfortunately, I don’t have any proof of that, but I secretly hope someone got it (either from manufacturer or store staff) and will show to the world sooner or later. From first glance, it seems the mug is dedicated to wildlife. Let’s wait for other sides to have the full picture.… Read more

Been There City Error Mugs

This is the post for all US Been There Cities with errors. For States with misprints, see this recent post.
Based on initial rumors, the following city mugs were expected, but had not been released along with other BTs: Boston, San Diego, Charlotte, Atlanta, Detroit and Los Angeles. Only two of them have been finally confirmed to be misprints, please see below. Please note, that even though San Diego is also out, there is no confirmation whether it is v1 or v2.Read more

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