Been There – North Carolina 2

Remember when I’ve asked you to stay tuned to see whether North Carolina will get v2? Well, it took Starbucks almost a year to introduce the fix into the regular mug. Again, the Christmas version came fixed already. Anyway, here’s Starbucks Been There – North Carolina v2, where “WHITE WATER FALLS” has been changed to “WHITEWATER FALLS”. For your convenience, I am posting a collage of all three mugs together. What are your thoughts, guys? Is the change worth to have both mugs in your collection?… Read more

Been There – Illinois 2

There have been some updates in the design of existing mugs recently. One of those is Been There – Illinois v2. The only change I see are dashes between the words in Cave-in-Rock, a 55-foot wide riverside cave formed by wind and water erosion. Indeed, it is the right way of writing the name of this landmark of the Ohio River, city and State Park.

Been There Ornament – Michigan 2

Starbucks Been There Ornament Michigan v2 is finally here and I have to mention, that the bigger version of updated Michigan mug was spotted almost 3 months ago. As a reminder, the only change, the new mug is introducing, is “Winter Water Wonderland” slogan being replaced with “Water Winter Wonderland”. And as I’ve suggested earlier, I consider this a fix and not just a revision, since there was, obviously, the wrong motto used for v1.… Read more

Been There – Maryland 2

Starbucks Been There – Maryland v2 has two elements updated:
– there was this “nickname”, “Chesapeake State” which didn’t make any sense. I could not find any source which callled Maryland that way. This controversial detail has been replaced with White Oak, official tree of the state.
– “Oh say can you see…” has been replaced with “O say, can you see…” and I am not sure how accurate it is. There are slightly different variations of the “The Star-Spangled Banner” out there in internet.… Read more

Been There – Arizona 2

Ain’t no error fix, but the desire to meet the people’s demand in removing “the Sand Hill State” wording from the mug. Even though no one heard of this nickname, some resources claim it is old, but legit. Nonetheless, with the release of Starbucks Been There Arizona v2 mug, that controversial element has been replaced with lizard. It’s worth mentioning, that ornament v2 was spotted before the bigger mug.

Been There – Michigan 2

As you probably remember, in my previous post, I’ve predicted the appearance of Starbucks Been There Michigan v2 mug. And here it is, spotted online. The only difference this version is bringing, is “Winter Water Wonderland” slogan being replaced with “Water Winter Wonderland”. I do consider the Michigan v1 a State error mug, since this is the actual fix of the mistake made in the design. We’re now left guessing, why it took Starbucks so long to replace the mug, but it could easily be negligence, human factor.… Read more

Been There Christmas – Arizona

Starbucks Been There Christmas Arizona mug reveals some interesting details. Take a look at the image below, where I compare the BT Arizona and it’s Holiday Edition. See how “The Sand Hill State” nickname was replaced with a lizard (I was not able to identify which exactly that one is). And the reason for this change is the numerous complaints from Arizona residents who refused to accept this design. Apparently it went viral and Starbucks decided to update the mug, to make everyone happy.… Read more

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